
Up Coming Events

$70.16 thru 5/31/2024

Prices include service fees.


$59.41 thru 5/31/2024

$64.78 thru 6/30/2024

$70.16 thru 7/31/2024

Prices include service fees.


To access the website you must be a member. Please apply to the free membership and once approved you will gain access. Membership takes around 1 week to process.

Mission Statement:

The Colorado KNKE Camping LLC (also known as KNKE) is a private, not-for-profit, ADULT MEMBERS ONLY organization that exists for the purpose of organizing events for our local community’s camping enthusiasts who wish to exercise their freedom of expression and freedom to practice (or simply observe) unusual forms of not-for-pay entertainment & unusual not-for-pay art forms in a natural setting (including but not limited to performances of “adult theatrical scenes”, “wax play”, “fire play”, & much more). All KNKE Events or Activities are PRIVATE events open only to ADULTS 21 years or older who are active, current KNKE members. KNKE does not discriminate based on race, gender orientation, sexual orientation/preferences, age, orientation, philosophy, religion, or belief systems. KNKE encourages diversity, open- mindedness, tolerance, responsibility, & a sense of community in its membership.

Our Equipment And Trailer Were Stollen

On the night of August 17th, the trailer that is used to transport and store all of the equipment and infrastructure used to host Colorado Kinky Camping was stolen. The police have been contacted and everything we can do in that regard has been done. 

However, the odds of recovering the trailer and the equipment are fairly low. We are dedicated to continuing KNKE Camping despite this monumental hurdle and wish to ask our community for their support.

There are always three things that can be given to help any organization
  • Time
  • Materials
  • Money
At this point, we are asking our community to offer what they can, but only from a place of security. Do not give what you need to sustain yourself or your family.

Time: We are always looking for people who wish to join our  Staff and Council to help put on these events.

Materials: We have been compiling a list of everything that was lost. Shortly we will put out a list of items people might have that they could donate to save us from having to purchase. Please contact us at staff@Cokinkycamping.com and we will arrange a drop-off or pick up. 

Money: Some items we need to buy new or very specific items, for this we need the funds to do so. Any donation helps. https://cokinkycamping.com/Funds/Replacement

Thank you for your attention and support,
Colorado KNKE Camping Staff